Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hey I just wanted to give a shout out to my bros and my sisters and tell them how much I love them. Even though we are all very unique in our own ways, I love that we can all come together and have so much FUN! We all have pretty much the same sense of humor, so when nobody else thinks we are funny, we still think we are! I miss being little and doing things with them. I miss Saturday mornings and crawling into bed with my sisters and watching t.v. or doing something stupid that only we thought was FuNnY! I miss living at the ball park in the summer watching my brothers play baseball! I miss making obstacle courses in the backyard and playing Sha-zam or dodge ball on the tramp! I miss playing 5 spices with Jake and his friends at sleepovers! I miss loading into the van and having pajama parties! I could go on and on with fun memories of growing up! These guys are the best sibs anyone could ask for! I can't wait to make more fun memories with you guys and the grandbabies!! Also I want to tell my bros thanks for always being willing to help out with my kids. Whether you come to babysit or to take them somewhere fun I hope you know that I always appreciate it, and I know the boys do too! I love you all so much and hope you know it! (And I know you LOVE me!)
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Contact said...

I glad you always have so much fun with your siblings! Don't forget to mention the short shorts man around the corner! hahah

Contact said...

hey i left a comment and then came back this page and it disappeared! weird. i had mentioned something about the short shorts man around the corner!

whitney holland. said...

Krista I love the pictures! You guys are all so dang PRETTY! I love that Ryan is drinking TAB, totally reminds me of your family! Love the memories of dodge ball and the spices game! Sheesh, I miss ya girl. We really need to catch up!

Pretzel's World said...

the GREENS were always the bomb!! I loved hanging out at your house. I always felt and still do so welcome! THanks to the Fam and Momma Kim!! Love all you Guys SO SO SO much!!

Amanda and Dallin said...

i love that picture of you guys all in white! you sexy little things! sib's really are the best.
love ya

Janea said...

oh cute. Hope things are going well for you. I have been really voice for 4 days! I think Clark has enjoyed it but I am going crazy. I can only whisper. Oh well.

Mandy said...

Krista! It is so good to hear from you and to see your family. I totally recall SHAZAM... I loved playing at your house. I have so many memories over there. Remember when you, Shanna, Ash, and I got taken to the cemetery by Deb and left there? haha. I also remember playing nintendo with you and your brother. We always had fun... tell your family hi.. plus your boys are adorable.