Monday, October 8, 2007

Computer Illiterate...

So, I am trying this blog thing, but I cannot seem to get my pictures up-I am looking for advice on this- everybody, anybody, Buehler...if you have any comments or suggestions, please help!! I know I am a dork, but what do you expect when I hang out with crazy boys all day? Ha ha!!


whitney holland. said...

Did you get your camera cord??? Yeah, I am excited to see pictures! When you go to your post there will be a little picture on that and download your photo then it should upload into your should see a bunch of weird language and stuff! Then when you publish your post it should work. Let me know if that makes any sense at alL!

Janea said...

What she said. :) I type my message, click on the picture icon (looks like scenery) and it will say "browse". Browse where your pic is on your computer and then select upload. Mine doesn't come up with "weird language" my picure just shows up. Then you can click on the pic and move it to where you want.

Amanda and Dallin said...

C'mon kreeda you can do this... just one post at a time.
dal says kkkkkk :)

whitney holland. said... have been computer illiterate for way too long now! it's been over a month! come on already!!! haha.