Monday, September 24, 2007

"Living out of suitcases!"

Hey everybody-I want to update my blog, but to all of those of you that are harASSing me about it, here is the problem-first of all I don't have the cord to hook our camera up to the computer cuz its in storage (along with everything else we own) including all of Korbin's winter clothes, so today he is wearing a long sleeve shirt that is way too big, a diaper, and some socks!! Pretty getto I know, but his dada got the wrong size of clothes out of the storage shed for him, so its another trip to Farmington to look through mounds of crap just to find one measley tub of 2T clothes so that Korbin won't freeze his little bum bum off this winter!! Cooper on the other hand couldn't be happier wearing a camo turtleneck (yep I said turtleneck!), camo pants, cowboy boots and his all time favorite accessory (for now anyway) his hand cuffs! It's actually a pretty sweet ensemble, but I think everyone and their dogs are getting sick of being hand cuffed (especially Kerbs and Case!!) Well I guess we will keep searching for the cord and hopefully get some pics posted soon!! Thanks for checking in! Hope everyone is doing good!


The Royalls said...


whitney holland. said...


Becky P. said...

Those boys make me laugh so hard. I love Cooper in his cowboy boots.

Janea said...

I hate having to go to the storage unit for stuff. We do it too..well, at least we don't have to go too far but still! I can only imagine what Korbin looks like..makes me laugh.

whitney holland. said...

Hey Krista. Thanks for the invite to your blog! Keep us updated!

Amanda and Dallin said...

YOU WIN storage units are the worst. I just lived out of one for a year and a half. I couldn't find anything. Good luck with that!! :)